10 Simple Time Management Tips


Planning for success is important when you decide to make a goal. Below I have outlined some tips to help you achieve the goals that you have set. The tough part is SIMPLE does NOT equate to EASY. It will take work to build the habits needed to maximize your potential.

Here we go!

Tip 1. Plan to Plan. Map it all out the night before so that when you wake up you can stick to the plan.

Tip 2. Put everything in your calendar. If it’s not on your calendar, it doesn’t really exist. With all the things going on in life it is easy to forget 1 time or date.

Tip 3. Do 1 thing at a time. Skip multitasking. Don’t be a “Jack of all trades, Master of none.” 1st things 1st. 2nd things 2nd!

Tip 4. Don’t always say yes. It is ok to say no to task. Whether you are swamped or just not feeling it, saying no is not a bad thing.

Tip 5. The clock is the BOSS. Don’t rely on your inner sense of time. Set alarms and reminders to stay on track.

Tip 6. Put the phone and social media away. These are all valuable tools for communicating in the work place, they are also great distractions when we have to get stuff done.

Tip 7. Email checkpoints. Set a few scheduled times to open your email to check for updates. Constant email notifications can really Jack your flow.

Tip 8. Highlight deadlines. When you plan your day make sure you emphasize what needs to be done vs what you want to get done. Highlight, star, different colored font or any other thing you can do to make deadlines stand out.

Tip 9. Greed is the root of all evil. Learn to delegate work to others. The key to success is efficiency. Don’t just do it all yourself when you have able individuals to assist you.

Tip 10. Break it up. Grinding from the moment you wake up to the time you go to sleep ain’t good. Build in breaks to rest your brain and reenergize yourself.

CHECKOUT this short video! https://youtu.be/1HR7D8g47gU

William McCord