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Almost Free Money, Home Buyers

Freddie Mac Reports:

30 year fixed-rate mortgages are down from last week’s low 3.78% average. We are looking at an average rate of 3.69% which doesn’t seem like much to the naked eye, but where does it compare when talking about a year ago?🤔 Ridiculously low. Last year the rates were 4.94%. 

15 year fixed-rate mortgages followed suit.👀 They dropped from 3.19% to 3.13% in a week and are smoking the numbers from a year ago; 4.33%.

Don’t wanna be “locked in” for the long haul? For those looking to get in and get out quick, those numbers may be favorable for you too.😳 3.43% to 3.39% average since the previous week with a 5 Year Hybrid Adjustable-Rate mortgage. 2018 saw an average of 4.14% on these products. 

They are basically GIVING AWAY money to HOME BUYERS!!!🏡 Let me know what you’re looking for and I can pull together some properties & a lender for you to evaluate to take advantage of this almost free money. 💯